As found by Willis V. & Thomas Webster, June 1921 and included in the 1922 Stanton book:
· Joshua Porter & wife to Henry Stanton, 1992A. near Bogue Inlet, 4-28-1721.
· George Cogdell to Henry Stanton Shipweight, 150A. on the north side of Newport river, 3-6-1732.
· Geo. Cogdell to Henry Stanton Shipweight, 440A. between Eastman's & Bell's Creeks, and known as the "Swimming Poynt," 3-6-1732.
· Carey Godby & wife to Henry Stanton, 437A. on Core Sound, on the east side of Broad creek on Newport river, 1-13-1732.
· George II to Cap. Henry Stanton, 380A. east side of Newport river, south of Powell's creek, 3-8-1736.
· George II to Cap. Henry Stanton, 480A. on the headline of Captain Henry Stanton, between Ware & Russells creeks, 9-25-1741.
· George II to Henry Stanton, 640A. on north west side of Black creek, on north side of Newport river, 8-4-1740.
· Henry Stanton Sr. to Son Henry Stanton Jr. 300A. on N. E. side of Newport river, between Powell & Ware creeks, 9-27-1745.
· John Small to Joseph Stanton, 122A. on W. side of Harlows creek, 7-15-1759.
· John Bell to Henry Stanton, 80A. on head of Harlows creek, 5-14-1754.
· Joseph Borden to Joseph Stanton, 500A. E. side of Core creek, 3- -1764.
· John Russell to Benj. Stanton, 80A. uppermost tract on North river, 11-18-1767.
· Robert Williams to Henry Stanton, lA. on W. side of Black creek. Saw & Grist mill, 2-6-1771.
· George P. Lovick to Henry Stanton, 400A. on N. side of Newport river, on Black creek, 6-17-1771.
· David Shepard to Henry Stanton, lA. on Black creek, including Stanton's mill, 5-7-1773.
· David Shepard to Henry Stanton, an island below the mill, on Black creek, 6-24- 1774.
· Hope Stanton to Benj. Stanton, one half of 300A. on W. side of Core creek, part of my father, Benj. Borden's land, 3-20-1779.
· Thos. Bratchard to Benj. Stanton Jr. lOOA. on N. side of Newport river, between Powell and Ware creeks, on Core creek, 2-21-1785.
· David Hall to Benj. Stanton Jr. lOOA. on N. side of Newport river, on Core creek, 4-1-1785.
· James Peartree to Benj. Stanton Jr. lOOA. on N. E. side of Newport river, on E. side of mouth of Core creek, between Powell 6t Ware creeks, 9-7-1785.
· Diedrich Gibble to Benj. Stanton, lOOA. on N. side of Newport river, 3-22-1786.
· James Bell to Benj. Stanton Sr. & Jr. one fourth part of 300A. near head of Harlows creek, 11-30-1785.
· James Bell to Benj. Sr. & Jr., 50A. on head of Harlows creek, 11-30-1785.
· Nehemiah Harris to Benj. Stanton, 50A. Carrot island, 3-25-1790.
· John Stanton to Benj. Stanton, 200A. on W. side of North river, 11-14-1791. Part of 300A. patent to Richard Russell.
· State to Benj. Stanton Jr. 50A. east of Core creek & north of Eastman creek, 1789.
· State to Benj. Stanton Jr. 50A. joining Core creek, & N. of Eastman creek, Patent issued 11-17-1789.
· Joseph W. Davis to Benj. Stanton 50A. of Banks land, between Old Topsail inlet & Drum inlet, 10-7-1792.
· Francis Mace to James Stanton, 50A. on Bogue Banks, between Old Topsail inlet & Bogue inlet, 10-31-1796.
· Joseph King to James Stanton, 1/2 Lot & House in Beaufort 8-23-1800.
· Joshua & Elizabeth Scott and Richard & Sarah Williams to James Stanton their interest in land on North river, willed to unborn child by Benj. Stanton, 11-10-1801.
· Benj. Stanton Jr. to Benj. Stanton Sr. & Dedrich Grebble, 480 A. on east side of Newport river, between Ware & Russell creeks, the land pat. by Capt. Henry Stanton, 9-25-1741, but never taken out and costs paid until Benj. Stanton Sen. finished the work and obtained it by heirship &: purchase and now owns the most of it, 6-1-1785.
· State to Owen Stanton, 200A. on North river, west side, 3-8-1817.
· Owen Stanton to Otway Burns, land on Core creek whereon I now live & 200.A. on North river, joining the land of Otway Burns, 12-15-1820.
· Adm. of Abram Pigott to James Stanton, one negro boy named Isaac, 1- -1813. Consideration 275.00 dollars.
· State to Benj. Stanton Sr. & Lemrick Harris, on W. side of Parrots bay, 1788.
· State to Benj. Stanton Sr. 50A. on W. side of North river, by his own entry, 3-13-1788.
· State to Owen Stanton 120A. within the reputed bounds of the lands he now lives on, patented by Thos. Austin, including vacant land at N. end, 4-7-1788.
· State to Benj. Stanton Jr. 80A. on E. side of Core creek, joining his own land, 3-29-1788.
· State to Benj. Stanton, lOA. on Ware creek just above my shipyard, 5-22-1792.
· James Stanton to Stephen Fulford, house & 1/2 lot, Beaufort, 12-1-1804.
· Henry Stanton to Silas Carpenter, 300A. on which I now live, between Powell & Ware creeks on Core creek, N. of Newport river, 3-13-1745.
· Henry Stanton to James Easton, 437A. on Core sound, on the E. side of Broad creek, on Newport river, 1-13-1732.
· Henry Stanton to Son Richard Russell, lOOA. near Core creek, 3-11-1737.
· Henry Stanton to Isaac White, 150.A. on N. side of Newport river, 11-7-1751. (Isaac White married Catherine Stanton.)
· Henry Stanton Jr. executor of Henry Stanton Sr. to Henry Chew Sr. 640A. on N. side of Newport river, on Black creek, 3-7-1753.
· Benj.Stanton to John Russell, 50A., 11-18-1767.
· Benj. Stanton to John Shepard, 80A. near head of North river, 6-17-1772.
· Benj. John & Sarah Stanton to Peter Starkey, 266A. part of 800A. on Bear bank, 1-25-1769.
· Henry Stanton to Isaac Scriven; 80A. near head of Harlows creek, 11-4-1768.
· Henry Stanton to Wm. Borden, 200A. on Bogue banks, 6-17-1776.
· Henry Stanton to Son John Stanton, by will, 5-1-1751, 190A. on N. side Newport river.
· John Stanton to Henry Dickson, 190A. on N. side of Newport river, 1-23-1773.
· Henry Dickson to Henry Stanton, 190A. N. side of Newport river, 11-6-1775.
· Benj. & Hope Stanton to James Scrivens, 80A. E. side of Harlow creek, 12-17-1779.
· Hope Stanton, widow & sole Executrix of Henry Stanton, deceased, and Benj. Stanton eldest son of Henry Stanton to Robert Williams, 1A. & all the Saw mill & M of the Grist mill purchased of David Shepard, also a piece of marsh land below the mill, between the tail race and main creek, also 400A. above the mill on both sides of Black creek, 9-24-1777.
· Benj. Stanton to Elizabeth Tomlinson, 75A. adjoining Beaufort, 6-17-1783.
· Benj. Stanton Sr. to Nehemiah Harris, a part of old patent whereon Benj. Stanton now lives, 3-17-1790.
· Owen Stanton to Peter Piver, 120A. on west side of Harlow creek, 3-29-1793.
· Benj. Stanton to Joseph W. Davis, 2CX1.A. between Powell & Ware cks., 1-22-1794.
· Benj. Stanton to Jonas Small, 150A. W. side of Core creek, 6-1-1793.
· Benj. Stanton to Wm. Gardner, 24A. N. side Newport river, near Deep creek, 11-22-1796.
· Benj. Stanton to Edward Kennedav, 300A. on N. side of Newport river W. of Little Deep creek, 2-20-1798.
· Benj. Stanton to Jonas Small, 150A. on N. side of Core creek (pt. of Wm. Borden patent of 1747), 2-17-1796.
· Abigail Stanton, by Atty. lease to Ludwig Roberts, 300A. her homestead, 10-27- 1800. Yearly rental of $50.10 for seven years beginning 1-1-1801.
· Abigail Stanton to Benj. Cheney, Power of Atty., 5-7-1800.
· Benj. Cheney appoints George Read Atty. in his stead, 12-1-1804.
· Abigail Stanton to J. W. Davis, her right in land willed her by her father, Benj. Stanton.
· Henry Stanton to J. W. Davis, his right in land willed him by his father, Benj. Stanton, including the Hummock field and Shipyard, 9-2-1805.
· Benj. Stanton, son of John, to Jacob Davis, lOOA. (part of 300A.) on west side of North river, 12-12-1807.
· David Stanton to J. W. Davis, 50A. willed me by father Benj. on E. side of Core creek & S. side of Ware creek, 1-8-1810.
· David Stanton to Benj. Thomas, Power of Atty., 11-1-1809.
· Benj. Stanton, by Bryant Hellen Atty. to J. W. Davis, on east side of Newport river, 1/2 the plantation on which father last lived, & my interest in North river farm willed to the unborn child, 2-5-1816.
· John Stanton to Wm. Davis, lOOA. (part of 300A.) on west side of North river, 3-10-1814.
· Henry Stanton to Quakers, 3A. for a pasture south of Quaker meeting house, 9-23-1737. (At Powell creek & the public road.)
· Nicholas Briant to Quakers, the land upon which stood Core Sound meeting house. (Just north of the 3A. for pasture.)
· State to Benj. Stanton et. al. lOA. being a cockle shole on the east side of Newport Channel on the west point, running down the said channel including a small island marsh, 8-27-1793.
· State to Jonathan Stanton, 90A. Bounded on west by Mallard Dickerson's land & on south by Wm. H. Dickerson's land, 12-31-1847.
· State to Horton Howard, 75A. Lying near or joining Benj. Stanton's land and in or opposite the mouth of Core creek and joining the east side of the channel of said creek including the Green Bank. 9-7-1789.
· State to Benj. Stanton, 50A. of marsh land, being an island on the west side of Newport channel & on the east point of the Great shole opposite to his own landing near David Coopers & Enoch Wards entry, 4-1-1784.
· State to Benj. Stanton, 7A. on the east side of Newport river, at the south side of the mouth of Core creek, joining his own land including his shipyard, 4.-1-1784.
· State to Benj. Stanton & Didrich Gibble, -A. on west side of North river joining their own land, 5-17-1785.
· State to Benj. Stanton Jr. 30A. marsh land, being part of sundry small islands adjoining each other on the west side of Newport channel & on the north east point of the Great shoal opposite Benj. Stanton Sr. landing joining his entry, 12-8-1786.
· State to Benj. Stanton Jr. lOA. marsh land, on the east side of the main channel in Newport river, being two small islands joining each other lying opposite the mouth of Island creek, 12-8-1786.
· State to Benj. Stanton Jr. lOA. on the east side of Core creek, joining the lands of John Easton & his own, 12-8-1786.